Monday, September 21, 2009

Arising From The Dead!

No! I haven't written anything lately and No! I really didn't expire although the last two or three years did send me to the edge of the crossing but the "Great Boatman" was not ready to take me across.

Was there a reason I was left to stay a little longer?
When I presented my first of only two (2) renderings I was approaching 65 years. Now, I am finally at the top of the hill. The "Good-Book" gives a normal man "threescore and ten" or 70 years. If the man is still strong he may get 80 years or more.
Since I haven't drawn but three(3) manifestations of interest I'll simply Welcome myself back on board, thank Google for the facilities and try to heap on a little wisdom of experience for those who may be interested in my selections for discussions.
You may believe! I believe! The Dead only arise for a purpose.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Alcoholics Anonymous is a true gift of God. Other than the church I attend it is the greatest organization on this earth for those who truly desire to make a positive change in their lives after having let themselves fall victim to the power of alcohol.
Those who truly desire help and would desire to put their lives back in order and give themselves over to total honesty with themselves and others will be provided with every opportunity to succeed.
Attending meetings of A. A. provides a cornucopia of answers, wisdom, opportunities and meaningful keys to success. A slogan often utilized for attitude adjustment is known as "stinkin-thinkin".

That which " Stinks" is most often considered undesirable. One cannot experience life without getting his olfactory system assailed occasionally. Ironically "stink" can affect any of our senses depending on our perception of the causative source.
We hear the term "that stinks" applied to matters observed, smelled, heard, touched or tasted.

In A.A. "stinkin-thinkin" relates to a frame of mind which could and does cause one to resort to a continuance of imbibing.
As society exists today literally, every component of life has the propensity for creating and activating "stinkin-thinkin". For example! Now Terri Schiavo is dead. The highly covered event created "stinkin-thinkin" within my being. No! No! No! I'm not going to use this as an excuse to go take a drink of liquor as some might. My aspirations created by the Schiavo matter involved an almost overwhelming desire to initiate physical, mental and even monitary retribution against the Judge, the Husband and his Attorney who are, without a doubt, "revolving murderers." What is a revolving murderer? That is one who is a murderer any way he turns.
No! No! No! A "higher power" (another A.A. term) will deal with those stinking scums.

Whoever you are, whatever you are, whereever you are, just get ready for some good old fashioned "stinkin-thinkin" because things are happening in our local and national governments, churches, businesses, organizations, health care, etc. Just do some deep, serious thinking.

My next few blog contributions will address matters I have difficulty "breathing" around. If you read this and you share my views I pray my efforts will provide help in dealing with existing attrocities.

"God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference".

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Terri Schiavo

Not too many days ago My Wife, an Aunt and I stood in the hallway of a local hospital just outside the room where my Mother lay in a coma. Mom's Doctor had called us out to tell us that no more could be done and it would be best if we let Mom "Go on". The Doctor assured us that everything possible would be done to keep her as comfortable as possible.
I knew Mom would not be fed or given drink but I insisted that the fluid drip being administered be maintained to impede dehydration.
Mom had suffered an enormous brain bleed and her entire brain cavity was filled. She still managed to open her eyes on two occasions and occasionally tears would fall from her eyes. Her mouth was open and very dry.
At times my daughter or I would take a popsickle sponge and dip it in cold water and swab it around in Mom's mouth. She would clamp down on the sponge very hard as if she was starving for a drink. The medical staff seemed to think this was just a "reflex".
Mom passed on in a few days. She stayed heavily medicated and never came out of her coma. However she responded every time we put the cool water in her mouth even to within a few minutes of her last breath. I believe Mom was aware of some sound and stimuli.
My experience was not unique but, very difficult.
The experience lets me fully sympathize with the family of Terri Shiavo who is not in a coma, who responds to certain stimuli and lives on the food supplied through her feeding tube. Her parents and brother want her to live and have expressed many times their willingness to care for her. The expressions I have observed in her eyes were not the expressions I observed in Mom's eyes which were closed except for a few brief moments.
Terri knows she is loved and being cared for. She exudes the appearance of want.
If the feeding tube is removed it cannot be replaced and Terri will experience what our great courts and societal bleeding hearts term Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Whoaaaa! A sadistic murderer who has killed, mutilated, maimed, tortured and placed untold grief on families is afforded thousands and sometimes millions(courts don't work cheap) of dollars for upkeep and trial and is spared from that tortuous gallows, gas chamber or the "sparky hot seat" because the manners of execution may maim, torture or mutilate. So let the poor things get "needled". Execution witnesses want to keep it "R" rated.
Terri has committed no crime, however, a ludicrous scenerio has developed and seems to dictate her fate. The husband wants to let his wife die(no living will) and the court says O.K. Hmmmn! Will Mother's in Law be next? If YOU read this please pray for Terri Schiavo and please become a voice in future elections if not already. And say a prayer for the souls of the husband and Judge who purport to do God's work for him.